Cute Pictures

WARNING: This page is set up in a certain way.

Well actually, it's pretty easy. These are this pictures where your heart stops and your brain travels to the land of utter cuteness. At least we think so. 

               Below Are The Groups in Order


This is a Roboroviski hamster. He's so cute!

True love! These are two Winter White Russian hamsters. The white one is in it's winter form.

Isn't this adorable? It's a baby Roboroviski.

This hamster is also a Roboroviski.

Okay, okay. Too many Roboroviskis. I'll stop saying stuff. 
I think I will fail.

Blueberry hamster!! 
(I did)

Hamster campfire! Without the fire.

Aww.... It's a newborn! Probably just away from it's mother.


Kittens look so much cuter in black and white!

What a sweet newborn!

Such a pwetty wittle face!

I just realized how big his head is!

Kitten pile!!!!!!

Luv da Pink!

I want to squeeze him!!

Sleep tight!